Selling your West Village home?

Take the time to make yourself fully aware of your legal obligations.  We strongly suggest that you and your lawyer become familiar with the Reciprocal Agreement that you signed when you purchased your home. Please note that For Sale signs are not allowed on the common property at the entrance on Scott Street. They are allowed on your own property in front of your house.

Transfer of Ownership in the Co-Tenancy Association

A smooth transfer is important to you because until the new owners assume responsibility for the reciprocal agreement you continue to be responsible for the fees and all other aspects of the agreement.

Here is how to ensure your responsibility ends with the sale of your house:

1.     Once you have signed a sales agreement, ask your broker to get in touch with the accountant for The West Village. You can send him an email directly using the link on the committee page. This alerts the accountant so he can set the wheels in motion for a change of ownership and a change in the direct debit.

2.     Make sure your lawyer knows that acceptance of the Reciprocal Agreement by the new owners must be part of your sale. At closing, the accountant needs to have:

i)     The transfer of ownership (Schedule E) signed by you and the new owners.

ii).     A direct debit authorization from the new owners, accompanied by a void cheque from the new owners.

iii)     A change of address form from you. It is important that you keep us informed of how to reach you should we need to provide further information or updates affecting the time you were a member of the co-tenancy association.

3.     These forms are all at the bottom of this page. The easiest thing for you to do is ask your lawyer to ensure they are all completed and sent to the accountant.

The form to transfer ownership must be received and acknowledged by the accountant before the 20th of the month prior to the next payment being due.

Attention New Owners

The West Village is a co-tenancy association.  Our homes are freeholds, which means owners are solely responsible for the upkeep of their home and property. Owners are jointly responsible for the common property, which consists of the roads, the electrical, water and sewer services beneath them, fire hydrants and lighting, and the forested area and sidewalk on the west side of the main entrance. Owners elect a co-tenancy committee to oversee and maintain the common property on their behalf and to collect the funds required to do so.

Steps in Purchasing

Before purchasing a home in The West Village we recommend you read the Reciprocal Agreement to ensure you are comfortable with the benefits and obligations of this co-tenancy association. You may also wish to review our current financial situation and ask the seller to provide a status certificate signed by the treasurer of the co-tenancy committee. Sellers please note that the fee for a status certificate is $125 and that the treasurer needs at least three weeks notice to provide the certificate. 

Helpful documents:

for those considering renting your unit

The Reciprocal Agreement has rules regarding renting your unit. Essentially, you and your tenant are entering into a relationship with the Co-Tenancy when it comes to the fees. You are obligated to provide the committee with contact information, and your signature stating you are aware that the Co-Tenancy can seek reimbursement from your Tenant should you default on your fees. Please complete this form with your new tenant, and forward it to the Treasurer.